
(liste sélective) 


Zahedi, M. et Tessier, V. (2023). Designerly activity theory supporting research-through-design. Dans les actes de conference de la International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2023). 9-13 octobre 2023.

Zahedi, M. et Tessier, V. (2023). Le modèle de la théorie de l’activité pour le design : un outil à explorer pour la recherche-projet. Conférence Modélisation de l’activité (ModAct 2023).

[Workshop session] Zahedi, M. & Tessier, V. (2023). Designerly activity theory, Framing and Design theory. International Paris Workshop of the Design Theory. Paris, France. 

Tessier, V. et Carbonneau-Loiselle, M. (2023). Assessment for learning of design teamwork skills. The International Journal of Art and Design Education, 42(3), 420-438


Tessier, V., & Zahedi, M. (2022). Activity theory as a framework for understanding framing complexity of design projects. Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain.

Zahedi, M., Tessier, V. (2022). Proximity of theory and practice: framing a research-through-design experience for design students. International Research & Education in Design Conference, REDES2022. Lisbon, Portugal.

Zahedi, M., Tessier, V.,Tannir, S., Aubry-Boyer, M-P. (2022). An inverted classroom experience for graduate students in design. 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE), London, UK.

Tessier, V. et Zahedi, M. (2022). La perspective socioculturelle de l’évaluation pour l’apprentissage des projets de design collaboratif. Dans S. Béland et D. Leduc (dir.), Regards sur l’évaluation des apprentissages en arts à l’enseignement supérieur (Tome 2, 169‑192). Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Tessier, V. Expansive learning for collaborative design. Design Studies, 83(C), 1-24.


Tessier, V. (2021) Étude exploratoire sur le travail en équipe d’étudiants dans l’atelier de design : Vers un modèle d’évaluation pour l’apprentissage basé sur la théorie de l’activité et l’apprentissage expansif (Ph.D.). Université de Montréal. Montreal.

Tessier, V. (2021). A model for learning teamwork skills. Dans A. Bisgaard (dir.), International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE).

Tessier, V., & Zahedi, M. (2021). Novice designers tackle and reflect on their process using the designerly activity theory. Dans O. Isaksson (dir.), International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21), Gothenburg.

Zahedi, M., Tessier, V, & Heaton, L. (2020). Insights into design processes through designerly activity theory. Dans H. Christiaans (Editor), [Titre du livre à définir]. CRC Press., 20 pages. [Chapitre de livre]

Tessier, V. et Aubry-Boyer, M.-P. (2021). Turbulence in crit assessment: from the design workshop to online learning. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 26(4), 86‑95.

Tessier, V. (2021). Integrated studio approach to motivate collaboration in design projects. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 26(3), 213‑229.

[Workshop session] Tessier, V. & Zahedi,M. (2021). The role of theory for research through design. International Paris Workshop of the Design Theory. Paris, France.  


Virginie Tessier (2020) Insights on Collaborative Design Research: A Scoping Review, The Design Journal, 23:5, 655-676, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2020.1807716

​[Workshop session] Zahedi, M. (2020). Designerly Activity Theory: A Framework for Understanding Research Through Design. International Paris Workshop of the Design Theory. Paris, France.   

Tessier, V. (2020). Insights on collaborative design research: a scoping review. The Design Journal, 23(5), 655‑676.


[Workshop session] Zahedi, M. &Tessier, V. (2019) Making sense of collaborative design process through designerly Activity Theory. University of Helsinki, Finlande

Leblanc, T.,  Candau, N.. Understanding urban complexity through research-driven design: The case of Montreal. In: Ellyn Lester (ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 17.2. Education, Design and Practice – Understanding skills in a Complex World. Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. 17 – 19 June (2019). pp.[119-132].

Zahedi, M. (2019). Integration of novice designers into interdisciplinary teams. The International Research & Education in Design (REDES), Lisbon, Portugal.

Tessier, V., & Zahedi, M. (2019). Assessment of collaborative design: A sociocultural approach. The International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE), Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.

Leblanc, T., Noëmie C., and Leblanc, M. (2019). "Water as a Social Catalyst: The Impact of Water Features on Urban Life." The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design 13 (2): 1-16.

Zahedi, M. et Tessier, V. (2019). Tools for building consensus on goals. The Design Journal 22(1), 1439-52.DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2019.1594968

Zahedi, M., & Tessier, V. (2019). Diverging Goals? Tools for aligning team objectives. The 13th International European Academy of Design Conference (EAD13), University of Dundee.


Zahedi, M., Tessier, V., et Heaton, L. Insights into design processes through designerly activity theory. Dans H. Christiaans (dir.), [Titre du livre à définir]. CRC Press. (Sous presse), 20 pages. [Accepté]

Zahedi, M., Tessier, V., & Heaton, L. (2018). Designerly Activity Theory insights on the Design Processes of a Korean Company. The 12th Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS12), Busan, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST).

Zahedi, M., Heaton, L., Tessier, V., Guité M. et De Paoli, G. (2018). Linear and circular temporalities in a disrupted design project. Dans Zreik, K. (dir.), Les temps de la conception (131-143). Europia Productions.

Zahedi, M., & Tessier, V. (2018). Designerly Activity Theory: Toward a New Ontology for Design Research. Design Research Society (DRS) - Catalyst conference, University of Limerick, Ireland.

Tessier, V., Zahedi, M. et Loiola, F. (2018). The postulate of enaction in the design studio: toward a new learning experience. The International Journal of Design Education, CGPublisher, 13(1), 11-19.

Tessier, V., & Zahedi, M. (2018). Cadre socioculturel de l’évaluation pour l’apprentissage du design collaboratif. In press.

Tessier, V., & Zahedi, M. (2018). Étude exploratoire sur l’évaluation des projets de design collaboratif. UQAC - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi: 86e Congres Acfas.


Zahedi, M., & Heaton, L. (2017). A Model of Framing in Design Teams. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 22(1), 1-18. 

Zahedi, M., Tessier, V. et Hawey, D. (2017). Understanding collaborative design through activity theory. The Design Journal, 20(1), 4611-20

[Workshop session] Zahedi, M., & Tessier, V. (2017). Collaboration revisited: defining goals in a systemic design context International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) - University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning.


Vallée, M-J., L’architecture industrielle de Drummondville, Bulletin de l’association Québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel, Art et industrie : une exploration, Vol 27, N02, Culture et communication Québec.

Leblanc, T. & Gagnon, M. Co-Talk? The role of collaboration partners in design education, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering & Design Education, Aalborg University, Denmark 2016.

Leblanc, T.  Research-driven design: Repurposing unwanted glass, The Internation Journal of Design in Society, Volume 10, Issue 3, Common Ground Publishing, USA.

Leblanc, T.  Design as a common denominator. The Future of Transdisciplinary Design, Proceedings of the Workshop on « The Future of Transdisciplinary Design”, University of Luxembourg L. Blessing, A.J. Qureshi, K. Gericke (Eds.), Springer  1st edition  2016, 300p.

Zahedi, M., Heaton, L., Tessier, V., Guité, M., & De Paoli, G. Linear and circular temporalities in a disrupted design project. The 01Design.10,  Les Temps de la Conception, Granada, Espagne.

Zahedi, M., Heaton, L., Guité, M., De Paoli, G., & Reumont, M. « Exploring framing within a team of industrial design students », Proceedings of the DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, Future-Focused Thinking, Brighton, UK.

Zahedi, M., & Heaton, L. Mind mapping as a tool, as a process, as a problem/solution space. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE), Collaboration and Cross-disciplinarity, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Zahedi, M. De/Reconstruction of Geometrical Forms. The Design Principles & Practices: Design Transforming Society, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Hawey, D., & Zahedi, M. Pratique de l’artiste 2D-3D de l’industrie du jeu vidéo : une exploration. The International Scientific Conference on Digital intelligences (DI2016), Université Laval, Québec.

Zahedi, M. Les défis et les opportunités de la collaboration interdisciplinaire. 84e Congrès Acfas: Université du Québec à Montréal.


Leblanc, T. Sketching as a thinking process. E&PDE ’15, 17th International conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough University, UK.

Zahedi, M., & Azouz, Z. Understanding and creating 3d forms using familiar objects. 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE), Loughborough University, Design School, Loughborough, UK.

Heaton, L., Zahedi, M., Guité, M., & De Paoli, G. Distributing the Design(er) Role in Web Design Teams. Participatory Innovation Conference (PIN-C), 18-20 May. The Hague, Netherlands.


Zahedi, M., Heaton, L., Guité, M., Cherba, M., & De Paoli, G. (Dé)cadrages des manières de faire lors d’un projet de design collaboratif. Symposium COMMON'14, Université de Liège, Belgique.

Godin, D., & Zahedi, M. Aspects of Research through Design. Design Research Society - DRS 2014, Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden.


Vallée, M-J. et Tissaoui, L., « Disease and its milieu : the Hôtel Dieu of Montréal, two complementary approaches», dans Actes de conférence, Colloque European Architectural- Envisioning Association (EAEA), School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano, Italie. 

Vallée, M-J., Ciné-torsion, dans Vaikla - Poldma, T. (éditeur) Meanings of Designed Spaces, New York, Fairchild Books: A Bloomsbury Imprint, 2013, p. 299 - 306, ISBN 978-1-60901-1-145-1

Zahedi, M., & Guité, M. Introducing nature analogies at the framing stage of design projects. 15 International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Eduction (E&PDE), Dublin. Irlande.

Zahedi, M., Sharlin, M., & Bartus, T. J. Collaborative Design in Client/Designer Team: Emergence of Goal Sharing through Communication Framework Development. 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), Tokyo, Japan.


Vallée, M-J., Dans l’antre de Griffintown, Couverture : Marie-Josèphe Vallée, photographie, Requiem pour un livre, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada 2012.

Vallée, M-J., « Créations artistiques et ambiances urbaines : une histoire nocturne et une installation-polysensorielle à Montréal », dans Actes de conférence, Colloque Ambiances 2012, Centre Canadien d'Architecture, Montréal, Canada.

Leblanc, T. Problem Finding and Problem Solving : Techniques for Creative Researching. Design and Designing : A Critical Introduction., Eds : S. Garner, Ch. Evans, Oxford International Publishers Inc.

Zahedi, M., Poldma, T., Baha, E., Haats, T. Design Thinking and Aesthetic Meaning-Making: Interlaced Means to Engage in Collaborative Knowledge-Building. NordDesign 2012, Aalborg, Danmark.

Zahedi, M., Sharlin, M. Using Design Thinking Collaboratively to Develop the Scope of a Website. 01Design.8 : Échelles, Espaces, Temps. May 9-11. Brussels, Belgium.


Zahedi, M. (2011). Modèle novateur de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur centrée sur l’utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateur. (Ph.D.), Université de Montréal, Montréal.

Zahedi, M., De Paoli, G., Guité, M. Structuring diverging ideas and converging them toward the user-axis: a design process. International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), Diversity and Unity. Oct. 31 - Nov. 4. Delft, Netherlands.

Zahedi, M., Guité, M., De Paoli, G. Addressing user-centeredness: Communicating meaningfully through design. CAADFutures 2011, Designing Together. July 6-8, ULg., Liège, Belgium.


Vallée, M-J., Rem Koolhaas Abstraction figuration, éditions Universitaires Européennes, 2010 (124 pages), ISBN 978-613-1-54906-9

Zahedi, M., Guité, M., De Paoli, G. Dealing with the human-centered approach within HCI projects. Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference, Design and Complexity. July 7-9, UdeM, Montreal, Canada.

Mahy, I., Zahedi, M. When artists and designers inspire collective intelligence practices: Two case studies of collaboration, interdisciplinarity, and innovation projects. Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference, Design and Complexity. July 7-9, UdeM, Montreal, Canada.


Leblanc, T. Design vs Re-design, and how to Innovate. 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Brighton University, United Kingdom.

Giroux, S., Leblanc, T., Bouzouane A., Bouchard, B., Pigot, H.The Praxis of Cognitive Assistance in Smart Homes. Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation - BMI: Smart Environments, Volume 3 - Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Eds. Björn, G., Aghajan, H., IOS Press, 183-211, (28 pages)


Leblanc, T.  Evolved Design Thinking and the Impact on Education and Practice. New Perspectives in Design Education, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, Eds. Clark, A., Evatt, M., Hogarth, P., Lloveras, H., Pons, L., V1. pp. 31-36.

Leblanc, T. Transdisciplinary Design Approach - An experimental model to project-based teaching and creative problem solving. Créativity and HCI: from Experience to Design in Education, Eds. Kotzé, P., Wong, W., Jorge, J., Dix A., Silva, P. A., Springer, pp. 113 – 129.

Huet, G., Spooner, D., Vadean, A., Leblanc, T., Camarero, R., Fortin, C. Development of Collaborative and Social Skills through Multidisciplinary Design Projects. New Perspectives in Design Education, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, Eds. Clark, A., Evatt, M., Hogarth, P., Lloveras, H.. Pons, L., V2. pp. pp. 547-552.

Leblanc, T.  The new reality: Thinkers or Makers?  Invited commentary paper on R. Beal’s article: Architects or builders; Scaffolding or Duck Tape?  ID&A, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Special issue: Architecting the Future. Rome, Italy, pp. 26-27.

Leblanc, T., Giroux, S., Teuwen, M. Knowledge-Building Environments. ID&A, Interaction Design & Architectures(s) Special issue: Architecting the Future. Rome, Italy, pp 40-47.

Zahedi, M. Designer as Mediator: An Innovative Model for Designing Interactive Devices within the User-Centered Approach. ICALT’08, Eighth IEEE International Conference. July 1-5, Santander, Cantabria, Spain.

Zahedi, M. Le designer et la pratique du design de lʼIHM. Article présenté à 20 ans dʼinteraction homme-machine francophone : de l’interaction à la fusion entre lʼhumain et la technologie. IHM, 2-5 septembre, Metz, France.

Zahedi, M., De Paoli, G., Guité, M. Un modèle novateur de conception des dispositifs interactifs utilisant une approche centrée utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateur. Les ateliers de la recherche en design 3, Bordeaux, France.


Leblanc, T. Transdisciplinary Design Approach. HCI Ed 2007, Creativity3 : Experiencing to educate and design, Aveiro, Portugal. pp.77-84